Accreditation Stages 1-4
Rider Development - Accreditation Stages 1-4
The Accreditation process is for riders aged 11+ who want to get more involved in the sport, either by regularly training in our Structured Quality Training sessions (SQT), by racing at the Track Leagues, or to ride at other UK Indoor Velodromes (via endorsement on your British Cycling Licence). Accreditation can be achieved by successfully completing Accreditation Days held at the National Cycling Centre.

The Accreditation process is for riders who are riding confidently and competently solo (with other riders but not in a pace line) on all parts of the track, who may want to progress their riding further. Typically readiness for this takes around 3 sessions, but is rider dependent.
If you want to ride the track more often for general fitness without racing or training on SQT’s, then following Stage 1 our Regular Rider Sessions may suit you better, particularly if you have your own track bike.
If you’re riding your own bike throughout the accreditation process, please ensure it meets our Track Bike Specifications.
From Stage 2 if you do not progress from one stage to another within six months then you will need to revert back to Stage 1 sessions and commence the process once more.
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Stage 1
You’ll be coached and assessed on the basic skills needed to start your journey towards accreditation. This includes:
- Joining and leaving the track safely as a group
- Manoeuvring on the track in the straights
- Riding safely in a line of riders
- Changing from front to the back of the line (from "Black line" and "Blue line")
- Riding the top of the track (solo)
Pass this assessment and you can proceed to Stage 2 of the track accreditation pathway.
Once you have passed Stage 1 you can also attend Regular Riders where you can continue to practice the fundamental skills learned before you book onto Stage 2.

Stage 2 & Stage 2 Plus
The next, and biggest, step to enhancing your skills and overall fitness. These sessions focus on specific key skills and techniques designed to make you a fitter, safer and more confident track cyclist. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Pairing Up, Riding in Pairs & Leaving the Track from Pairs
- Chain Gang basics
- Advanced Manoeuvring ('Lumps & Bumps')
- Pursuit Changes
- Tandem Changes ('Taking the Gap')
- Manoeuvring ('Lumps & Bumps')
Please note, as these sessions are 1hr long and there's a lot to cover, we find that most riders need to visit a number of times before progressing to Stage 3. On average rider’s progress after 4 sessions, however this does vary from rider to rider and can be influenced by fitness, confidence, and prior experience. Coaches will put riders forward when they observe them to be riding the drills confidently and competently within the group.
The Stage 2 Plus Session is a 2hr version of Stage 2, which allows us to focus in on the Stage 2 drills in more depth as well as some of the SQT fundamentals, whilst also helping you to develop your fitness towards taking part in more intensive 2hr sessions.
Stage 3
A two hour session building further on the skills and techniques developed at Stage 2. Here you’ll learn the necessary skills to be a fully accredited rider. A coach will be on track to lead and teach you these skills which will subsequently be assessed in the Stage 4 accreditation session. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Changing in Pairs
- 'The Square Dance'
- Maintaining the Half Lap (in groups)
- Changing on the Half Lap
- Taking Half Laps (solo)
- Advanced Manoeuvring ('Random Lumps & Bumps')
Coaches will progress riders who demonstrate confident and competent riding of these drills. Pass the assessment to proceed to Stage 4.

Stage 4
This is a test of track craft for candidates to demonstrate the skills learned so that they can safely ride the Structured Quality Training (SQT) sessions. You will need to prove your fitness by staying on the track for thirty five minutes whilst completing a series of drills learnt at Stage 3 in sequence.
Riders will also be introduced to Mock Racing, and where possible riding with the Derny Once Successful Stage 4 riders will be issued with full track accreditation and become an Accredited Rider.
From here you can progress to Accreditation & SQTS