Accredited Riders & SQTs
Accredited Riders
Accredited Riders are riders who've successfully completed our 4 Stage Accreditation process, and have continued to ride regularly, allowing access to our Structured Quality Training Sessions.

If you are a member of British Cycling, following successful accreditation there will be an endorsement added to your membership card/licence as a UK Indoor Velodrome accredited rider, and this will give you access to Glasgow, Newport, London and Derby, but please check with these venues regarding registration.
For those who've taken a break from riding we have a process for renewing accreditation, and we also work with riders from other UK Indoor Tracks to access our SQT's.
SQT Sessions at the National Cycling Centre
SQTs are for accredited riders aged 12 years or older. They are 2 hour training sessions that will test your fitness and some sessions can prepare you for various types of racing. Perfect for riders looking to structure their training, alongside others. Sessions offer a workout through structured activities focusing on specific skills, techniques and components of fitness, led by one of our coaches.
Newly accredited riders who do not ride the track within six months of gaining their accreditation will need to attend a Stage 2 Improver session for re-assessment before booking an SQT session.
A good session for those who have just gained their accreditation.
These sessions will further develop technique, skill and fitness. Progress from the “B” session once you have developed your track speed and fitness.
For those looking to push themselves further, our highest intensity session will make you do just that. Riders at these sessions will continue to develop technique, skill and fitness. Progress from the “A & B” sessions once you have developed your track speed and fitness to the sharp end.
Bring a training partner for this team riding session, or come on your own and ride with an experienced Madison rider. For experienced accredited riders only, so get 6 x A & B sessions in before riding this session! Two hours duration.
Best to use your own bike for these sessions! Two hours duration. For experienced accredited riders only, so get 6 x A & B sessions in before riding this session!
Discipline specific SQTs are run in the lead up to competitions to provide training sessions appropriate for National, Euro, and World Masters Track Championships preparation.
Riders may wish to use the size of gear that they will race on in these Discipline Specific sessions, but caution is advised in the warm up line at the start of each session.