Sprint & Pursuits Sessions
Sprint & Pursuit Sessions
For riders who have their own Track bike and ideally can set their own gearing, who're generally interested in learning about Track Sprinting or already competing in Track Sprinting we have a few opportunities to get involved. Our Team of Specialist Sprint Coaches rotate leading on sessions whilst working together behind the scenes to ensure the sessions follow a logical progression over time and are structured to meet the seasonal needs of those attending. At different times throughout the year there'll be specific focus on Strength, Leg Speed, Top Speed, or Speed Endurance.

Our Sprint SQT sessions offer you technical feedback as well as some quality efforts.
Riders wishing to join should book on based on the below:
- Current NCC Accredited Riders aged 15+ can book straight on as normal.
- Lapsed Accredited Riders and Accredited riders from other Indoor Velodromes or unaccredited riders and under 15's (via their parent or guardian) will need to contact the Lead Track Coach in the first instance via cyclingcentre@gll.org.
Sprint Efforts/Short Pursuit Efforts
For Accredited Riders, with their own Track Bikes looking to complete their own short efforts within existing sessions we work on the following basis.
Efforts are accomodated within our Structured Quality Training Sessions as follows:
- There is a specific "efforts" session running parallel to the Madison SQT (fortnightly on Saturdays). Riders wishing to do efforts must book onto the Velodrome Sprint Efforts Session not the Madison SQT Session, otherwise this limits the numbers who can join in the Madison group activities.
- On the Tuesday evening SQT A session the time is top and tailed with a specific session for efforts riders, accessed by booking onto a parallel Sprint and Pursuit Efforts session. The Efforts begin at 5pm, then the endurance SQT starts at 5.30pm in it's usual format. After 7.30pm the final half hour is exclusively for efforts riders once more.
- On other SQT sessions, riders wishing to complete efforts can book on as normal at present, and are always to agree this with the session coach. Where large numbers of riders are looking to do efforts or the session is close to capacity, riders will be asked to keep their efforts short or to ride up together, with one rider "leading in" the effort and others following. This is to make the most effective use of the available track time without reducing the riding time for the SQT Group.
- Riders completing efforts must be organised (both individually and collectively) and ready to go on time, so that track time isn't lost for the other riders on the session.
If you have any questions about the above, please contact the Lead Track Coach on cyclingcentre@gll.org.